DuckDuckGo DMCA
Submitting false DMCA notices can result in legal action, so make sure you have a good-faith belief that the material is infringing on your copyright before submitting a DMCA notice. Read more about DMCA precautions here.
DuckDuckGo does not provide detailed information about their DMCA process. However, they do provide a point of contact for DMCA notices on this page:
The main DMCA process tends to be similar among major online platforms. For details about what to include in DMCA notice, please refer to the articles about the DMCA process for Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
DuckDuckGo does not provide detailed information about their DMCA process. However, they do provide a point of contact for DMCA notices on this page:
The main DMCA process tends to be similar among major online platforms. For details about what to include in DMCA notice, please refer to the articles about the DMCA process for Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
Updated on: 06/10/2024